As a locally owned and operated pet waste removal service in Indianapolis, we offer dog waste removal services on weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or one-time options. We are passionate about our level of customer service and the quality of our work.  Our goal is to make you a “highly satisfied” customer that can’t help but to tell your friends about LittleStinkers.

Frequently Asked Questions:
  • What makes you different from your competitors?
    • Great question!  We’re glad you asked!  The most obvious thing that makes us different is our prices.  We are the ONLY company with flat rates. Other companies will up-charge based on number of dogs or lot size, not LittleStinkers! Other things that help us stand out include:
      • We responsibly dispose of the pet waste ourselves for free rather than leaving it at your house to dispose of.
      • We price match any of our Indianapolis competitors.  
      • We offer a variety of billing methods including: weekly billing, bi-weekly billing, or monthly billing.
  • Do you clean all year?
    • Yes, we offer year round service.  Your dog doesn’t stop pooping based on the season, and we don’t stop helping pet owners remove the pet waste. 
  • How much does your service cost?
  • How frequently do you recommend servicing my yard?
    • We recommend increasing the frequency based on the number of dogs you have.  Really, it all comes down to how well maintained you would like your yard.  Don’t know how frequent to start with?  We recommend weekly removal, then you can increase or decrease your services that work best for your schedule and budget.

Explore LittleStinkers more…

Puppy looking to the left

Meet Eva

We always love hearing from our customers! Sandra is a very sweet lady who needs her guide dog, Eva. Unfortunately, she is unable to clean up after Eva. LittleStinkers is proud to help her in caring for her dog…

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Dog looking to the right

How to Pick up Dog Poop

We put together the most comprehensive study on the best ways to pick up/clean up dog poop. Ideally, you would not want to mess with dog poop, but dogs can’t be trained to use the toilet and your neighbor will get mad if you train your dog to poop in his yard. So, here is a list of what you can do to deal with dog poop. We have ordered these dog poop solutions from the least favorable to most favorable. Take a look!

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